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Vegan fish cakes recipe

Vegan fish cakes

The vegan fish cakes are juicy, tender and have a real sea flavor. With a side dish or vegetable salad, they are ideal as a main meal for lunch or dinner. You can make the vegan fish patties at home with this recipe.
Course Main Course, Side Dish
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Servings 12 patties


  • 400 g natural tofu
  • 360 g potatoes with skin
  • 3 nori sheets
  • 2 tbsp fish spice or to taste
  • 2 tbsp flaxseeds
  • 4 tbsp warm water
  • vegetable oil to grease the pan


  • Cook potatoes with skin in water, drain the water, leave the jacket potatoes in the saucepan on the hot stove for approx. 10 minutes to evaporate and then leave to cool completely.
  • Finely grind flaxseeds and place in a small bowl.
  • Pour warm water over the flaxseeds, stir thoroughly and leave to soak for approx. 15 minutes.
  • Finely chop nori sheets in a blender.
  • Pat natural tofu dry and grate it coarsely into a large mixing bowl using a grater.
  • Add the shredded nori sheets and fish spice to the tofu and mix.
  • Peel the potatoes, grate them coarsely with a grater and add them to the tofu.
  • Add the flaxseeds mixture and mix to a homogeneous, firm mass.
  • Form small, flattened patties from the tofu potato mixture.
  • Grease the pan with vegetable oil and heat it up.
  • Fry the vegan fish cakes in the pan over a low to medium heat until golden brown on both sides, turning them carefully.
  • Leave the vegan fish patties to cool slightly.


  • Use different spices to suit your taste.
  • Be sure to pat the tofu dry. Leave the jacket potatoes to steam and cool. It is best to cook the potatoes the day before and keep them in the fridge overnight. This will prevent the vegan fish mixture from becoming too moist so that the patties keep their shape better. For a firmer consistency, you can mix a little flour into the tofu potato mixture.
  • For more flavor and aroma, you can mix the grated tofu with ground nori leaves and spices and leave to stand for about 1 hour before adding the remaining ingredients.
  • Form small, flattened patties if possible. They are easier to turn when frying and cook more quickly.
  • To make the vegan fish cakes taste crispy on the outside and have a more stable consistency, you can roll them in breadcrumbs before frying.
  • Do not use too much vegetable oil to fry the vegan fish patties. Otherwise they could become too soft and fall apart.
  • When they are fried and while they are still hot, the vegan fish cakes are very soft. Once they have cooled down, they become a little firmer.
  • Take note of the detailed tips and tricks for preparing the vegan fish cakes at the top of the article.